Spiritual Success Podcast with Liz Roberta: Astrology of 2021 with Sarah James Carter

Excerpt from www.lizroberta.com:

I think we can all agree that 2020 has been… interesting. If you’re holding your breath to see what happens next in 2021, I’ve got you covered.

I invited astrologer and human design reader, Sarah James Carter, onto my podcast to shed some light on the planetary transits, aspects and conjunctions that will be affecting our energy as a collective next year.

We discuss how they might play out and create changes when it comes to our healthcare, financial system, data privacy, and the food we eat. As humans, we’re always curious about what’s going to happen in the future, and by looking into astrology we can definitely get some clues.

Join me on episode 4 of The Spiritual Success Podcast now ▻▻▻

Listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-spiritual-success-podcast-with-liz-roberta/id1540607282